Last chance summer hotel sale. Up to 45% off selected Top Secret® hotels + Exclusive deal of the day.
3216 W Highland Boulevard
San Diego, California
Rest and do some work if you need to, high speed wi-fi internet is free all around the hotel premises.
If you’re a fan of cocktails – our bartenders will make it for you. Just visit the lobby or pool bar.
Have a complementary bottle of wine free, when you stay for more than 5 nights at California.
Jacuzzi or a regular bath tub? It’s your choice, so whichever you prefer, let us know when booking.
Start your morning with the highest quality coffee made in-room with Lavazza coffeemaker.
Enjoy your favourite TV shows or sports when you’re at your room resting on a 40“ TV screen.
Have a complementary bottle of wine free, when you stay for more than 5 nights at California.
Or room staff will change the towels everyday if you prefer to. Just leave them in the bath.
Evenimentele corporate necesita o mare atentie la detalii, pentru ca totul sa mearga snur si pentru ca toti angajatii si partenerii sa aiba o experienta placuta. De orice tip de eveniment ai avea nevoie, Casa Augsburg este aici pentru a-ti oferi servicii si spatii personalizate si pregatite pentru servicii sau activitati in echipa. Sala de […]
Evenimentele speciale din viata ta au cea mai mare importanta si merita toata atentia! Nunta, botez sau aniversare, fiecare are specificul sau, iar nota de rafinament sta adesea in detaliile organizarii. Casa Augsburg ofera cele mai buna servicii pentru a avea un eveniment festiv special, inedit si cu adevarat memorabil. In ultimii ani nunta la […]